We are delighted to announce that Massage by Flo is coming back to Open Barbers from Sunday 7th May until Tuesday 4th July. Flo is doing another guest spot for us here at the salon while Mercedez is away for May/June.
Here is what Flo says about herself:
“Hello I’m Flo (she/her), I’m a queer massage therapist and my aim is to provide truly holistic massage to LGBT people. I achieved a level 3 diploma in Holistic Massage in 2015. I not only acknowledge the roles that mind, body and spirit play in our health but also wider societal power structures.
I try to cater to LGBT people specifically through offering massage that is body positive, blame and shame free, consent lead, gender neutral and priced by a sliding scale of affordability.
If you have any specific requirements or questions feel free to email me massagesbyflo@gmail.com. I’m excited to be working with Open Barbers and to be able to offer healing to more of our community!”
Email massagesbyflo@gmail.com to book