

Open Barbers host a highly valued range of services with professionals who share our ethos.

Body work / massage

Counselling / Therapy


Other services including massage and therapy


A photo of Kris, a brown skinned person with close cropped dark hair, sat at a table with a white coffee cup and a dark hoody, softly smiling to the camera with their name Kris printed across the picture A photo of Noemi with shoulder length hair, glasses a, green shirt and earrings, softly smiling to the camera and with their name Noemi printed at the bottom a portrait photo of Shae, a white person with blue and red hair wearing a red bandana and black and green tops. Their name Shae is printed at the bottom a close up portrait of Kate, a white person with blue eyes and very short cropped black hair and a silver nose ring. smiling gently with their name Kate printed to one side a photo of Jilna, a brown skinned person with black curly hair, wearing a black tank top and a dangly earring, smiling widely, with their name Jilna printed at the right side. They are standing in front of a background of green leaves. A black and white photo of Bailey with short hair, dark glasses and softly smiling to the camera with their name Bailey at the left side A photo of the room in which therapies take place. The room has 2 comfy chairs, and small table and lamp, a standing lamp and big windows.