We’re changing our approach to advance bookings as
of Monday 4th November 2019.

Due to the consistently high demand for appointments, we have decided to trial
limiting how far in advance our services can be booked. The aim of this is to
enable the team to have more options in booking time off, and to reduce the
length of the waiting times for appointments.

New appointments will be released every Monday afternoon as follows:
– Haircuts with Meg and Leidy – 2 weeks in advance
– Colour with Leidy, cut & styling with Ori Hair Care – 4 weeks in advance
– Haircuts with all other stylists – 6 weeks in advance
– Colour with Mable – 10 weeks in advance

This information is listed on the stylist pages of our website and the details of each service in our booking system 10to8.

We’re aware that this could cause some anxiety for clients who prefer to plan
multiple haircuts in advance, so please see here a few FAQ’s for your

1. What will happen with my current booking?
All appointments already booked in advance will remain as they are.

2. For access, mental health or location reasons, I need to book my
appointments further in advance than this, what can I do?
We will always aim to be flexible to meet the needs of our clients, so please
speak to your regular stylist or email openbarbers@gmail.com if you
wish to request a more advance booking and we will to our best to make that possible
for you.

3. Will I be able to book my next appointment when I’m in the salon?
We will open new bookings every Monday in line with the timeframes listed
above. Your stylist may be able to book your next appointment in person while
you are still in the salon, or can advise on when those slots will become
available to book if they are not yet open.

If you have any other concerns or anxieties about this change, please don’t
hesitate to get in touch. We are keen to see this as a trial, mostly to help
our team with planning their time outside of work, but we also want to ensure
that no one feels excluded as a result so do let us know how this works out for
you and we can aim to be as adaptable as we can!