Based on client feedback, we have tried a few different ways of releasing new appointments through our online booking system, and we always seek to be as accessible as possible.

While there remains a risk of salon closure if there is a case of COVID-19 among the team, we’ve settled on releasing appointments twice a week, up to 10 days ahead, until further notice.

From Monday 3rd May, new appointments will be released:
Mondays at 9.00am
Thursdays at 7.30pm

Please note: as appointments are released manually per stylist, it can take up to 10 minutes for availability to appear so we advise refreshing your browser regularly.

Why can’t I find any appointments online? 
Demand has always been high at Open Barbers, but since reopening in April 2021, we have noticed further increase. This is likely to be due to a few factors:.

  1. Everyone coming out of lockdown wanting long awaited services now.

  2. We are only releasing appointments up to 10 days in advance as a COVID-19 precaution (in case we need to close).

  3. We have to operate at reduced capacity to stay in line with COVID-19 guidance.

  4. We have attracted new interest from potential clients over the lockdown, partly due to our 10th birthday celebrations.

What is Open Barbers capacity like under COVID-19?
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we can only have up to 3 stylists working in the salon at any one time. Depending on shift length, each stylist can accommodate around 3 – 6 clients a day, and our only colourist Mable can offer around 4 – 8 services per week (see more here). At present, the demand for our services is a lot higher than this and we are very grateful for your patience as our capacity may be limited for some time.

Can I get assistance in booking an appointment?
While the fairest system to getting an appointment is the online booking system, we know that for some clients this will never be accessible. If you require access assistance in booking an appointment, we welcome you to contact us. As we don’t ask for evidence of access needs, we rely on clients being fair in their requests for assistance as this invitation is not intended for clients to ‘jump the queue’ if they are able to use the online system (albeit with a bit of patience).

Do you advertise cancellations?
We always appreciate it when clients cancel in advance if they can’t attend, by cancelling through their booking confirmation or getting in touch. Where possible, we advertise cancellations on Facebook and Twitter. We recommend you switch on notifications for Open Barbers to be alerted to these more directly. 

We hope this helps address any concerns and frustrations you may be feeling at this time. Rest assured we DO want to welcome all newcomers and we miss ALL our regulars very much and we hope to see you in the salon soon! Feel free to get in touch if you have any further queries.

Love all at the OB team!