Signing the paperwork for the new venue has unfortunately
moved slower than expected, and we have not been able to neatly dovetail the move
out of our current temporary location with the move in to our new space. We
hope that we can commence renovations in the next week or so. Our amazing
builders are on standby, and we are poised with our ball point pens and our
paint brushes. We will be posting more updates as we go along.

Meanwhile, our last date at 147 Kennington Lane will be SUNDAY 28th
FEBRUARY 2016, so we would advise people to book in where possible.

This also means that sadly, there will be a short period
of closure while we renovate and relocate. This is our first permanent venue
and we are already encountering unexpected surprises and we are working round
the clock to create the new, accessible, affordable venue we have promised. We
hope you and your hair can hang in there, and thank you in advance for
supporting us and being kindly patient during this transitional time.

Finally, thank you to everyone who supported our
Crowdfunder and saved us from permanent closure! We are delighted with the
success and we are still processing the rewards. T-shirts, badges, CDs are
still being made by our generous and talented artists and dates for the workshop
are still being set. We hope you can remain patient with us while we complete
this process as everyone who is helping is giving their time for free so it may
take a few attempts to get things sorted!

Lots of love,

Greygory & Felix on behalf of the Open Barbers team.