On Friday 15th July 2016, Open Barbers will be running ‘Re-writing the Rules of Hairdressing’ a pop-up event in the Artists’ Studio at Camden Arts Centre as part of the exhibition Get the Message: Agency
/ Autonomy / Automation

From 11am – 1pm, Open Barbers invite members of the public to explore
how we can ‘re-write the rules of hairdressing’. Visitors are encouraged to re-imagine the environments, interactions and rituals we often encounter
when getting a haircut by interacting with the exhibition and adding drawing, text, fanzines (and hair!) to the space.

From 2 – 6pm, these re-imaginings will be shared with pre-booked clients who will get their hair cut within the exhibition
space and invited to join the discussion. While haircuts have already been booked in advance, visitors are welcome
throughout the day to participate in the discussion and contribute their ideas.

Come along and join us at Camden Arts Centre, Arkwright Road, London, NW3 6DG. The Centre is wheelchair accessible. Please note that our usual salon at 4 Clunbury Street, N1 6TT will be closed for the day.