Dear clients,

We are beginning a review of our safer spaces policy and we feel it’s really important that all the people that use the space feel welcome to get  involved in this process if they wish to.

A copy of the current written safer spaces policy is available online here

The current policy has been in place since we opened at Clunbury Street, but has never been amended or added to by anyone other than Felix or Greygory, and so we feel we need more input from the wider client base, to make the salon as comfortable and safe as possible.

If you feel you’d like to respond, we would like to have your responses by 5pm on Tuesday 7th August 2018.

Our external facilitator will collate the responses, and the staff team will then have 2 discussion sessions, on the content of the policy, how to put it to use, and how to deal with any difficult situations.

In order that this process be as open as possible, our facilitator will collate and anonymize (where necessary) the information. Please find here a link to a form for you to fill out – this will automatically anonymise your responses.

Love from the Open Barbers team x