Following a sloooow legal process around signing the
lease, we are excited to announce that we now have keys to our new salon space,
we are legally the tenants for 5 years, and we have started the renovation!

We can also now announce that our new salon address will
be 4 Clunbury Street, London, N1 6TT. Please note that we will not be operating
our salon services at this address until the renovation process is complete,
which we hope to be approximately end of April 2016 but we will announce our
opening date when it is more certain. Until then, our limited salon services
remain at Chaps and Dames in Finsbury Park.

Please follow us on all possible means of social media
for sassy photos of us renovating the space with our amazing building team!

THANK YOU for looking after us, keeping us jolly, donating to our Crowdfunder, sending
us supportive messages, continuing to come for haircuts, giving us hugs,
flowers, chocolates, biscuits… you have all been SO KIND and it is thanks to
you that we have found the energy and resources to keep on going.

Lots of love for now!

Felix, Greygory, Richard and Solomon