Hannah’s donation

A couple of weeks ago the lovely Hannah came to the salon and donated all her hair to a charity that makes wigs for kids going through cancer treatment, what a star! Donate here if you can: https://www.justgiving.com/Hannah-Cullen2/

Haircut Gallery, Richard Houguez

Haircut Gallery, Richard Houguez Richard Houguez is a hairdresser and artist collaborating with Open Barbers until summer 2015. Richard has been hairdressing since 2011 with The Haircut Before the Party, and running Common Hair salon at Common House since 2013. To book an appointment on Tuesdays and Thursdays with Richard, visit openbarbers.co.uk


Peter. January 2015. Short back and sides with a step. Cut by Felix.

Our youngest client!

Our youngest client Jowan (aged 2.5) came for his first haircut on Sunday, and was beautifully behaved. In fact he was less fidgety than some of our regulars! xxx