• How do I book an appointment?

    Based on client feedback, we have tried a few different ways of releasing new appointments through our online booking system, and we always seek to be as accessible as possible. While there remains a risk of salon closure if there is a case of COVID-19 among the team, we’ve settled on releasing appointments twice a

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  • How much should I pay for a haircut?

    Between lockdowns, our clients frequently ask how the pandemic has affected our costs, so we’ve made a new price guide to help and reassure you around our pricing approach. Below is some information to help you understand our business needs, taking into account both the higher expenses of COVID-19, and also our recent fundraising achievements.

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  • Fundraising announcement!!! Drumroll…..

    While the pandemic has put a huge financial strain on Open Barbers, collectively you have responded to this crisis with generosity, belief in our project, hard work, and creativity over the past 12 months – we cannot thank you enough! As a result of your kindness, we have been able to raise enough money to

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  • STOP PRESS! Open Barbers is turning 10!

    In March 2021 Open Barbers will be 10 years old! To celebrate, we’re cooking up a bunch of exciting and fun online events for you to enjoy with us, and help ease those lockdown blues! Watch this space! Get involved! We’re combining our birthday celebrations with a fresh new fundraiser – and we’d love your

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  • We have been awarded a COVID-19 rescue grant!!

    We are delighted to announce that the wonderful Social Enterprise Support Fund have awarded us a winter COVID-19 survival grant of £31,335 to get us through the next 6 months of virus horror. This will enable us to:– Keep our prices affordable, while still offering longer appointments to prioritise safety.– Maintain an accessible environment for

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  • Open Barbers re-opening info!

    We are delighted to announce that Open Barbers will be open again from Monday 13th July, albeit with a restricted service and temporary timetable. This will follow a few rehearsal days for the team so that we can have the opportunity to acclimatise to the new working conditions and PPE requirements.  Bookings will be open

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  • Some thank you messages from the team!

    We have 2 fundraisers on the go which have so far brought in £21,545! This is incredible and thank you so much. CrowdfunderGo Fund Me To date, Open Barbers has distributed £23,500 in hardship fund gift payments to our freelancers and our cleaner with the promise of more to follow while the salon is closed

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  • Support Open Barbers’ COVID-19 Crowdfunder!!

    Support Open Barbers’ COVID-19 Crowdfunder!! Stylist Richard Houguez has been busy designing stickers, postcards, greetings cards and temporary tattoos as a pay it forward fundraiser towards Open Barbers freelancers hardship fund! Order your exciting ginger kitten merch TODAY and check out the images above to see what you will be receiving in the post by

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